nerve tract

英 [nɜːv trækt] 美 [nɜːrv trækt]




  1. Objective: To probe into the mechanism of action about the vagus nerve center nucleus of solitary tract ( NTS) in adjusting gastric motion by acupuncture at Zusanli, Neiguan, Zhongwan, Qihai point.
  2. Experimental study on taste nerve signaling pathway between nucleus of the solitary tract and chorda tympani
  3. Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in optic tract syndrome
  4. Blood capillary proliferation in nerve tract and myelin sheath swell were all not obvious.
  5. Osteogenesis effects of tissue-engineered bone after sensory and motor nerve tract implantations
  6. Ve To investigate the nerve regenerative effect of different cross-section anastomosis of nerve tract on sciatic nerve of rats.
  7. Experimental study of sacral nerve distribution and its influence on lower urinary tract function
  8. Application of nerve network expert system in evaluating integral tract reservoir rebuild
  9. Effects of Vagus Nerve Stimulation on GABA level in the Nucleus of Solitary Tract
  10. Distribution of dopamine-immunoreactive endocrine cells and nerve fibers in the digestive tract of guinea-pigs
  11. The afferent neurons from cuneate nucleus, gracile nucleus, nucleus of spinal tract of trigeminal nerve, nucleus of solitary tract mainly located below the level of obex.
  12. Effects of embryonic spinal cord on reconstruction of nerve tract in injured spinal cord of adult rats& cb-hrp tracing under electron microscope
  13. Distribution of VIP immunoreactive nerve cell in the sphincter regions of digestive tract
  14. The nerve tumors of gastrointestinal tract are rare in clinic.
  15. In the medulla oblongata, ER distributed in the hypoglossal nucleus, dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve, nucleus of spinal trigeminal tract, nucleus of solitary tract and reticular formation;
  16. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: ① The nerve tract separation in spinal nerve root and the diameter of small nerve tract.
  17. Study of Nitrergic Nerve in Gastrointestinal Tract
  18. And the ventral nerve cords located under the ventral of digestive tract, including the suboesophageal ganglion, three pairs of thoracic ganglions and eight pairs of abdominal ganglions.
  19. The labelled HRP afferent fiber bundles of the vagus nerve in the rat pass through the spinal tract of V and the dorsal part of the spinal nucleus of V and send off small amount of the terminal fibers ending into the spinal nucleus of V in the medulla.
  20. Objective To explore the effect of nerve growth factor ( NGF) in the lower respiratory tract and the visceral afferent system of asthmatic guinea pigs.
  21. Establishing a definitive diagnosis of polyarteritis nodosa is therefore challenging, and mandates dialogue between the pathologist and the clinician primed with pertinent clinical and laboratory data, finding the important significance such as the lesions of peripheral nerve and gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, the positive of HBsAg.
  22. The distribution of somatostatin ( SOM)-like immunoreactive ( IR) neurons and nerve fibres in the nucleus of the solitary tract ( Sol) in seventeen cases of human fetus have been studied by employing ABC ( Avidin Biotin-Peroxidase Complex) immunocytochemical technique.
  23. The distribution of neurokinin B immunoreactive nerve fibers in the lower respiratory tract of guinea pig
  24. The cause may be that there were uncrossing nerve fibers in the lateral spinothalamic tract.
  25. ACN has a large number of experiments show that it has a wide range of toxic effects, can cause liver, blood, nerve, digestive tract and reproductive system damage, animals are identified carcinogens, mutagens and are potential cancer-causing agents people.
  26. Central paralysis, also known as upper motor neuron paralysis, or spastic paralysis, rigid paralysis, is due to the damage of the pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex motor area and the nerve fibers from the pyramidal tract.
  27. Motor neuron disease ( MND) is a kind of unexplained for violation of brainstem motor nerve, damage to the spinal cord anterior horn cells and pyramidal tract as the main features of chronic progressive disease variability.
  28. A few postoperative complications were found: one case of wound infection, one case of sciatic nerve injury, one case of urinary tract stones, four cases of avascular necrosis, three cases of traumatic arthritis and one case of heterotopic ossification.
  29. Potassium channels are the most various ion channels, and widely exist in skeletal muscle, nerve, heart, vessels, trachea, gastrointestinal tract, blood and endocrine gland cells.



  1. a bundle of myelinated nerve fibers following a path through the brain

      Synonym:    nerve pathwaytractpathway